Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cleveland Rising: The Song, The Video and the Screenplay

"Cleveland Rising" music video.

Since the initial inspiration and conception, going back to 2007, "Cleveland Rising" the song & video, and Cleveland, the screenplay, are now completed!

Song & Video - "Cleveland Rising," written by & © Alexsandra Sukhoy (Lyrics) and Vanessa Daffron (Music)

: Vanessa Daffron: Vocals, Guitar; Tony DePiano: Guitar; Daniel Baxter: Piano, Organ; Evan A Lieberman: Bass; (not pictured): Jon Niefeld: Drums; Aria Daffron: Muse; Dave Towne: studio engineer. - ._:kltr:_. Video Director; All Photography and Video Concept © Creative Cadence LLC 2009.

Next Steps: Positively Cleveland called "Cleveland Rising" a "terrific song" and this week we're entering the track in the Rock Hall "Cleveland Rocks '09" contest. Please send us good karma vibes!!

Screenplay - Cleveland - Written by Alexsandra Sukhoy, © Creative Cadence LLC 2008, Registered with the Writer's Guild of America 2009.

Cleveland is a contemporary crime and love story, focusing on a group of young people who pay for the sins of their parents. Cleveland encompasses the relationships between various ethnic groups and generations as they stumble upon dark truths in a city that's fallen pray to the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Juxtaposed with music, love and hope, Cleveland was first inspired by Leonard Cohen's "So Long, Marianne" and the final Cavs World Championship game of 2007.

Next Steps: Ivan Schwarz, Cleveland's Film Commissioner, has very kindly provided great insight over the past three months. Right now I am seeking a quality agent, so if you know someone who is credible and has industry connections, please send her my way.

Gratitude - It's been a heck of a journey, on all fronts, and all those involved know just how much focused energy took place. While there are many projects "in the works" I wanted to acknowledge the angels that, for the past nearly 2 years, brought all pieces of the puzzle together.

Mom, Dad, Sis - you are my rock. Thank you for letting me be me and understanding every time I couldn't answer the phone. Your voices and hearts were in me every single moment. Mom - for also challenging all the logic flaws in the first draft. Thank you Maudeville - Vanessa, Evan, Daniel, Tony and Jon - for making this random set of words come to life, and for doing it so well. Dave - your patient soul and technical know-how in the studio kept us all sane and on track. Glenn - your talented generosity making this video is a true gift. The Statler 7 - Sonia, Evan, Daniel, Sylvia, Sawwaf, Miguelle and honorary Statlerite Ben, for all of your friendship and demanding support - especially Sonia, who first told me to "write the story" and Miguelle, my "brother from another mother" who inspired the script character of the same name. Erin - friend since 1981, lawyer who got the LLC off the ground and who scooped my soul when the house of cards came crumbling down; you are wonder woman. Jacob, script editor, friend since 1986 and the truth zone to the world - keep telling it like it is. Jaimie-the-Mom you have held my heart through it all, and first schooled my unsure writer, in 2002, saying "either put your entire self out there, or don't do it all." Angela and Nate - you extended a hand at a time when it meant most and provided great insight into The Crisis. Oh, and you fed me great home made pasta! Studio Palmieri - for giving me my first public wall space. Mark - the rock star of deans and supporter of dreams. Dennis, for taking on a mentee when you're alrady busy saving the world. Jess & Jeff, for somehow navigating me to where I need to be next & making all the right introductions. And to Halena and Brian - you nursed me back to health - nothing like home cooking, sunshine, Sedona and Golden Girls to do the trick!

Special thank you to Vanessa, who is the best Music Mama a girl could ever ask for. Your intuition for the right sound is something to treasure. Let's write more songs, girl!

And Evan - who not only played bass on the track, but "back in the day" spent hours helping me edit my photography portfolio and then kicked my toohis in the best possible way with the script. You somehow managed, through your patience, kindness and nurturance, give voice to the artist within. Thank you for letting me be your student.

Finally, to friends, family and neighbors, in Cleveland and Chicago, who have supported and given so tirelessly, especially over the past 3 unprecedented and quite difficult months, thank you for being so fabulous.

- Alex :-)

Background on both the song, including lyrics, and the screenplay can be read on the previous blog entries.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats Ms. Alex!!!
I am extremely excited to see this project taking off in such a positive direction for you. It makes me happy to see you bring this dream you had to life! I know it's been hard work but that's why you put yourself to the challenge. I call you a rockstar for a reason- Rock on Alex :-)
Hope to work with you again! You give great inspiration!!!